

Isn’t It About Time You Were Recognized as the Go-To Expert in Your Field?
Spend Just 8 Hours with Us, and Present the Most Powerful of Business Cards:
(No Writing Skills Required.)

Spend 8 Hours with Our Team of Professional Writers
and Write Your Book from Beginning to “The End”!

Nothing says expert like having authored a book. That book then becomes your business card and makes you stand out from your colleagues and peers. After all, those little business cards are old-school.
Authoring a book gives you credibility. It makes the strong statement of “This is who I am!”
If you’ve always wanted to write a book, but you  don’t have time to learn how and/or you don’t have the money to hire a ghostwriter, our 8-Hour Author Program is your perfect solution. For a fraction of the price and a fraction of the time, we can work with you in a unique way so that you can write your own book.
Our professional team spends 8 hours with you, one on one. We work with your schedule, whether you can do one hour every day or an hour or two a week, we’ll accommodate your calendar to help you quickly write a quality book.
Then, your work is done, and it’s up to us to edit it to professional standards, so when we’re finished with our part, we’ll give you an edited book, ready to be published.
Then voila, you’re an author!
8-Hour Author Program


8-Hour Author Program

Write Your Book in 8 Hours

        No writing skills required.

Write, Publish, and Become a Best Seller

Write Your Book in 8 Hours, Publish Your Book, and Become a Best Seller

        The Perfect Turn-key Solution

Customize Your Author Package

Customize Your Writing, Publishing, and Marketing Package to
Meet Your Needs

        Have it your way!

* Prices are for books up to 30,000 words. For books with a higher word count, we’ll price accordingly.