Learn To Get Published in 8 Hours
Are You Ready To Inspire?
You want to get published, but you just don’t know where to start? We believe that that’s why you found us. You see, we don’t believe in accidents either. Now is the time to get the help you need to get your book out to the world and start touching many lives with your story!Publishing a book should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.
Up2Paar provides you with the knowledge, tools, and guidance to help you feel confident and comfortable with the publishing process.
Publishing Timeline & Processing
The duration of the publishing process will vary for every book, but the average for full publishing with Up2Paar is two to five months. Factors that affect the timeline include word count, genre, editorial, legal consultation, and design. A timeline will be provided at the start of the publishing process.
We do have some authors that have written a book in two weeks and was to publishing and editing within 30 days.
We Sell Our Books At Major Retailers And Utilize The Top Distributors In The Industry!

Bringing your Book To Print
With our enthusiastic team of qualified editors, typesetters, illustrators, cover designers and publicity experts, we have the tools and skills to transform your rough draft into a professionally printed hard-copy book and reader-friendly eBook.
Every manuscript receives a comprehensive review for grammatical, organizational, spelling, word usage and consistency by one of our seasoned editors before it can be published.
A Typeset Artist will creatively design the pages of your book using elements of typographical style in order to ensure the most aesthetically pleasing final product. Any illustrations created by our award winning artists will also be placed during this stage.
A Cover Designer from our highly skilled design team will, using input and direction from you, produce an eye-catching cover for your book.
After your book has been fully prepared, it will be professionally printed on premium paper with a full-color glossy cover and “perfect” binding. The printed hard-copy, along with your eBook edition, will then be made available to the public via our worldwide distribution channels.
Marketing & Publicity Campaign
Once we have completed your hard-copy printed book and corresponding eBook, we will begin a unique and effective marketing and publicity campaign.
A professional press release will be created and sent to thousands of media outlets to create a “buzz” about your book.
A high-quality webpage about you and your book will be created and hosted on the CFP website. It will feature your cover, your video trailer, a brief synopsis of the book and links to where readers can purchase it.
Every book we publish is distributable worldwide to over 37,000 retailers, libraries, schools and online retailers including Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Google Play and Apple iTunes.
A custom produced book trailer will digitally highlight the themes of your book while increasing its online presence and giving it viral potential.
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B.O.S.S. Break Out Silent Soldier
Author: Jody Paar
In this first of a 3-part series, Jody empowers women globally from the page to the stage and her story produces change in the lives of women globally and the ripple effect is evident and transformative.
Price: $19.97